Ventura Theft Crime Lawyer
Theft crimes refer to a number of different criminal offenses that generally involve the unlawful taking of funds or property from another without their permission. This group of crimes can range in severity, from misdemeanor offenses to the most serious felony and federal crimes. Whatever the charge may be, theft crimes are punished harshly and can be viewed negatively on one’s criminal record.
Our attorneys at Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP have defended many clients charged with all types of theft crimes. Our experience and our proven skills have been effective at protecting clients’ rights, freedoms, and futures. Clients Choose Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP for the following reasons:
- Hundreds of Dismissals
- Over 200 Jury Trials
- Decades of Defense Experience
- Board Certified Criminal Law Specialist
- Award-Winning Legal Team
We Handle All Theft Crime Cases
Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP handles the full range of theft crimes, including:
- Shoplifting, which is defined as entering a store and stealing property worth less than $950.
- Petty Theft, defined as taking property less than $950.
- Grand Theft, which involves taking property worth more than $950 and can be punished as a felony.
- Burglary, defined as breaking into a structure or vehicle with the intent to steal. This can include residential burglaries and commercial property burglaries.
- Robbery, which involves taking someone else’s property against their will, usually by force or threat of force.
- Auto Theft, defined as taking someone else’s vehicle. These can be charged as misdemeanors or felonies.
- Receiving Stolen Property, which is when a person knowingly buys or sells stolen property.
- White Collar Crimes, which are financially-motivated crimes that can include fraud, embezzlement, money laundering, identify theft, etc.
Our team thoroughly reviews each case, works closely with clients, and spends the necessary time to craft an effective defense. Our analysis of the evidence, police reports, surveillance video and witness statements frequently identifies flaws and errors in the case. Any error can make room for reasonable doubt. Theft crimes may be some of the oldest crimes, but they can be highly complex, especially if aggravating circumstances, technology, or other offenses are involved.
Misdemeanor & Felony Theft Charges
- Misdemeanors – Under California Proposition 47, a number of non-violent theft crimes were reduced to misdemeanors. Generally, a theft crime will be prosecuted as a misdemeanor if it is considered non-serious and non-violent, if the property taken is valued at less than $950, and if the defendant does not have an aggravating criminal record. Misdemeanor theft crimes still carry stiff punishment.
- Felonies – Theft crimes can be prosecuted as felonies if they involve aggravating circumstances such as violence, injuries to victims, firearms, or if the value of the property stolen is greater than $950. If a theft crime involves a federal agency, it could be prosecuted as a federal offense. Felony theft crimes demand the attention of experienced lawyers.
Discuss Your Case Personally with Our Ventura Law Firm
As with any criminal offense, time is of the essence. The sooner you contact a criminal defense attorney from our firm after you’ve been charged or made aware of an investigation, the sooner we can help.
If you have questions about your case, contact Lessem, Newstat & Tooson, LLP for a FREE Case Review.